flair talent

2011-03-19 8:27 am
flair 跟 talent 有咩分別??

都是天才 才能

回答 (2)

2011-03-19 4:50 pm
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Talent and flair are more or less the same in meaning. There is only a subtle difference.

Talent (人才, 才能) is natural ability to do something well which can be developed with practice

Flair (天賦) is natural ability to do something well, especially thing that is interesting and shows imagination.

She has a flair for interior design. (good aptitude, good eye, highly creative)
例如:天才横溢, 天生我才,曹植七步成诗令人嘆為觀止, Mozart八歲作交響樂

She has a talent for interior design. (earned knowledge, years of experience)
自己培養的, 有時名師指點, 需要時間經驗
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-03-19 12:49 pm
Flair==天才,本領,鑑別眼光, 敏銳的察覺力,
He has a flair for language;He has a flair for bargains;

Talent==天才,上智, 才能, 才幹;
He is a man of great talent for politics; He is honoured as the local talent of musician in New York; An exhibition of local talent of paintings by people in New York; He has a talent for music but not much talent for painting;
照以上的中文解釋是根據字典,似乎Flair 和Talent 都是名詞,而字典的解釋亦相當接近,但我以為後者Talent 比較普遍性和習慣性應用。

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