
2011-03-19 12:12 am
請問究竟幾時用past tense,幾時用present prefect tense?快測驗了!幫幫忙!唔該曬!

回答 (4)

2011-03-23 4:40 pm
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下列纯粹地用來應付測驗:- Good Luck!

PAST TENSE (yesterday, last year (month, night), in a previous year or century, ago)

1. - to talk about a completed event in the past. We often say when it happened.
Chris phoned me yesterday. (last Monday, two months ago)

2. - with for to talk about something that continued for a period of time, but ended in the past.
I lived in London for two years. Then I went to work in Canada.

PRESENT PERFECT (already, yet, just, never, since, ever, recently, lately)

1: - to talk about something which started in the past and continues up to the present.
She has worked in Canton for six months. ( = She still works in Canton now.)
He has lived in this house since 1931.

2: - for things which have happened during a period of time that continues up to the present.
Have you ever eaten Japanese food? ( = in your life up to now)

3: - to talk about an action in the past which has an effect or result in the present.
The taxi has arrived. (the taxi is now here.)

4: - with yet (adverb) in questions, if you want to know if something you are expecting has, or has not, happened.
Has the postman come yet ?

5:- - with never in negative sentences.
I have never seen a ghost.

6: - with already when something has happened sooner than expected:
I have already eaten.

7: - with just (adverb) when you talk about something that happened a very short time ago.
They have just come back from holiday.

8: - with a period of time which has not yet finished, like today, this week, this month, this year.
We have only had two customers all evening.

9: - with “recently” and “lately” when you talk about something which happened not long ago or to ‘announce ‘news’.
The weather has been terrible lately.
I have not worn these trousers recently
參考: Longman English Grammar; A+ Guide to grammar
2011-03-19 12:51 am
(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。 例如:
I have written a letter now. ﹝我現在已寫完一封信。﹞I have written a letter this morning. ﹝我今早己寫完一封信。﹞
* 如果說話時仍屬早上,句子是對的。
I have written a letter this week. ﹝我今個星期己寫完一封信。﹞
* 如果說話時仍屬這個星期,句子是對的。
I have written a letter this month. ﹝我今個月己寫完一封信。﹞
* 如果說話時仍屬這個月,句子是對的。
I have written a letter yesterday. ﹝錯誤﹞
* 說話時不屬於昨天,句子是錯的。
應說:I wrote a letter yesterday.﹝我昨天寫了一封信。﹞

2011-03-19 12:44 am
past tense用系 Yesterday 、 last...... 個D過去左既野
present prefect tense用E個tense之前要加has/have has:You、We They
2011-03-19 12:26 am
past tense is easy.ask the tutor than you will know!

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