
2011-03-18 11:51 pm

回答 (2)

2011-03-19 12:41 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 對等連接詞 coordination conjunctions 有七個,可用fanboys來記: and, but,
so, or, nor, for, yet 2. 配對連接詞 correlative conjunctions 有五個:both …and, not only … but also, either … or, neither … nor, whether …or。這些對等詞連接兩個字或片語的時候不須要逗號。應特別注意平行結構,也就是對等詞的兩邊詞性必須一致。 Would you rather take a written or an oral exam?The system is not only complicated but also inefficient.對等詞也可以連接兩個獨立子句, 必須用逗號將兩個句子分開。S + V, CC S + V.I was feeling hungry, so I made myself a sandwich.3.從屬詞subordinator從屬連接詞subordinating conjunction 是帶領副詞子句的連接詞,如although, when, while, before, after, because,
if, as, 等。它會放在非獨立子句dependent clause的句首,帶領獨立子句與非獨立子句結合成一個完整的句子。非獨立子句在前面的時候需要用逗號分開兩個子句,假如是獨立子句在前面,因為有從屬連接詞明顯地把兩個子句分開,所以不用逗號。SC + S + V, S + V. or S + V + SC + S + V.Because I was feeling hungry, I made myself a sandwich.I made myself a sandwich because I was hungry.4.轉折字,轉折片語與連接副詞transition words and phrases and conjunctive
adverbs轉折字,轉折片語與連接副詞不像從屬詞的位置那樣固定,他們可以放在獨立子句的句首,句中,句尾,而且通常會用逗號分開來。S + V; CA, S + V. or S + V. CA, S + V.I was feeling hungry; therefore, I made myself a sandwich.I was feeling hungry. Therefore, I made myself a sandwich.I was feeling hungry. I made myself a sandwich, therefore.I was feeling hungry. I, therefore, made myself a sandwich.5.其他others有一些其他的名詞如example,形容詞如additional,副詞如too,介系詞片語如in addition to,動詞如cause等也可以用來表示轉折語。這些次沒有特定的標點符號規則,必須注意前後的字詞的用法。An additional reason for visiting Taipei is its convenience.
2011-03-19 12:56 am
1.becuase(因為)e.g. Carol is clever because she is kind.
2.and(和) e.g. Melissa is beatiful and clever.
3.but(但是) e.g. The old man is hungry but he no money to buy food.
4.or(或者) e.g. Do you want to stay at home or go shoppong?

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