英文句子, 邊個好D?

2011-03-18 10:31 pm
Please kindly fill up the excel file for our guidance as attached, and thank you for sending it back when finished. Please find the attached excel file for you to fill in your choices. Please send back to us when you finished it. Thank you very much for your kindly help.

回答 (2)

2011-03-19 12:53 am
✔ 最佳答案


Please find the attached excel file for you to fill in your choices. Please send it back to us when you have finished it. Thank you very much for your kind-- co-operation.send back要有it(那東西)才成的,
2011-03-19 12:29 am
Two sentences have their own issues.

First of all, "fill up" normally refers to physically making something full. Here you refer to a file which can be "updated".
The meaning of "guidance" is not clear.

"as attached" can be put in front of the "excel file" (ie. "update the attached excel file....")

For the second one, the tenses of two verbs "SEND back to us when you FINISHED it " are not in line.

The word kindly in "Your kindly help" is incorrectly used. It should be "kind".

I hope it helps a bit.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:34:35
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