1。PCCW 的 linksys router 是没你要的服务 (在街外 remote 回公司或家的 NAS)
2。不可以,因为 IP address 的问题。(不是公司的 Internal IP address , 是外面要进来的哪个 External IP address / WAN 没有做好。
3。 师父帮你开的那个 IP address 应该是你公司的 “Internal IP address”
- 跟 ISP 申请的 Static IP (External IP address),多用在大公司的服务器
1。 在你的 PCCW (其中一个做法)
Using the Linksys web interface, go to Advanced | Forwarding | UPnP ForwardingIn the "Application Name" column, make up a label/name (I chose: zoneeditDNS).In the Ext.Port column, enter your chosen non-80 http port (e.g.most choose port 8080).Verify that the TCP (not UDP) radio button is clicked.Enter 80 in the Int.Port column (i.e. Now that you’re inside your own firewall, you can redirect the port back to 80, on which your web server is probably listening).In the IP Address column, put the number for your web server PC.Click enable ... and you’re done!
Now, when type
http://yourDomain.tld into a browser Zoneedit.com does the DNS lookup and redirects to your current cable/DSL IP address on your chosen non-80 http port. Your Linksys router Forwards your chosen non-80 http port to your specified web server PC IP address, back on port 80, once inside the router firewall. Your (e.g. Apache httpd) web server is listening on port 80 or 8080, as it normally expects to receive web request!
IP addressing - The Linksys assumes a default of for its LAN (internal) address keep it at that default. The WAN (external) address is, of course, assigned by your ISP.
Assume that the server you want to make available sits at Configure your machine to have a static address - it will always be Remember, it's the external name we're really concerned about.(the current ip from your isp)
另一个方法是 安装 app 在电脑 不用在 任何 router 做 setting
这台电脑要 24 hours 常开
因为要连接上网告诉 FreeDNS server 你现在的 WAN (external IP address)
当你 输入 URL :
http://FreeDNS/youraccountname (去 FreeDNS server户口) 就会把当时的 WAN (external IP address)
然后就可以进到你的 公司网络,再连线到你哪台 24小时常开的电脑,找你要的 文件,甚至在哪台 NAS 里面找资料。
2011-03-18 13:40:06 補充:
另外一个做法 自已router(lan) set 同样的东西
Advanced | Forwarding | UPnP Forwarding
** 上面那段英文是从网上抄出来,适合用在你的 PCCW linksys router
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