
2011-03-18 6:59 pm
我同gf 上個月 "咩咩"左. 記得日期是26 feb. 我地個做左2round . round1個時, 開頭有幾下是無用就放入, 不過好快拎返出黎, 之後用返再入, 是次沒有高潮,無射到.
之後,, 再round2 ,同樣地,開頭有幾下是無用就放入, 不過好快拎返出黎, 之後用返再入, 是次有用+ 有feel 時連套抽出体外射, 個套沒有穿.

佢同我講佢既" auntie "大約月頭 (10幾號左右), 但昨晚(3月16日) 講電話時佢同我講已經2日:未到:, , 佢之前病左一排, 加上佢既auntie有時早左有時遲tim. 咁會唔會中招呀?

回答 (3)

2011-03-18 7:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
you don't have to worry so much!
I've this experience before, my period was late for more than 2 months.
I was sooo scared! but luckily I don't have a baby and my period just come when I get relaxed!

I think maybe your gf is just too stressful.
'cuz it's really scary that if we have a chance to take care of a baby when we are not prepared..
You are responsible to comfort her and make her feel better.
After that I think she will be ok and period may come!

This would be the main reason!

What you can do now, is to buy a "bei yun parn" for her and check.
It is 99% accurate! and just check it in a minute to let you and your gf feel better!
2011-03-18 7:39 pm


2011-03-18 7:18 pm



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