
2011-03-18 9:34 am
1. XXX助您節省電能,人人都會讚好。2. 使用XXX會讓您生活美好一點。3. 我們致力提倡環保生活。4. 我們好像沒有跟貴公司有生意來往。5. 這次聯絡您,主要通知您有關LED燈產品和燈具雜貨的九折優惠,讓貴公司有多一個選擇。6. 兼職員工可以自由選擇上班時間,但每星期最少兩天。

回答 (1)

2011-03-18 1:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) By using energy saving bulbes,everyone can enjoy the low cost of their electricity bill.
2) By using energy saving bulbes,your living conditions will be greatly improved.
3) To have a better living enviroment,it is our duty to take priority actions.
4) It seems that we have no business connections with your company before.
5) In regards to our recent contact, it is the aim to introduce to you that prices of LED Lamp products and Lamp's accessories are at 10% discount..
6) As far as part-time workers being concerned, they are allowed to choose freely a flexible working timetable provided at least to work two days within a week.

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