2011 Results of Philippine Bar Exam in 2010 - verified?

2011-03-18 2:58 am
I'm looking for a confirmed and verified 2010 bar results for the 2011 Philippine Bar Exam Result and found the list at http://www.newsbalita.com/2011-philippine-bar-exam-result-part-1/

Is the list of bar passers of the 2011 Philippine Bar Exam Result posted at http://www.newsbalita.com/2011-philippine-bar-exam-result-part-1/ verified?

回答 (3)

2011-03-18 7:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
try www.sc.judiciary.gov.ph
2011-03-19 2:54 am
Yes, this is a verified list of the 2011 Philippine Bar Exam Results as released by the Supreme Court. Confirmed and approved list.
2011-03-18 3:33 am
Try "mb.com.ph"

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