
2011-03-18 5:31 am
我想問魚ge ventral fin,vertical fin 同 horizontal fin係魚ge邊一部分?
ventral fin同pelvic fin有咩唔同,大家中文都係叫腹鰭

姐係ventral fin完全等於pelvic fin?

回答 (1)

2011-03-18 11:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案


(1) – operculum (gill cover), (2) – lateral line, (3) – dorsal fin, (4) – fat fin, (5) – caudal peduncle, (6) – caudal fin, (7) – anal fin, (8) – photophores,(9) – pelvic fins (paired ), (10) – pectoral fins (paired)

The paired pelvic or ventral fins are located ventrally below the pectoral fins. They are homologous to the hindlimbs of tetrapods. The pelvic fin assists the fish in going up or down through the water, turning sharply, and stopping quickly.

2011-03-19 09:43:15 補充:
Pelvic Fins are also known as the ventral fins. One fin is found on each side of the body, positioned on the ventral surface between the head and the vent. On some fish such as the Betta splenden there are elongated ventral fins.

Yes, pelvic fins are the same as ventral fins.

收錄日期: 2021-04-23 00:30:50
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