All is well 還是 All are well ?

2011-03-18 1:35 am
All is well 還是 All are well ?
Which is correct ?

回答 (5)

2011-03-18 6:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Both are grammatically correct, but each needs to be used according to the context.

"All is well " is used for describing a situation,
(1) "I haven't seen you for a long time, I hope all is well with you !".
(2) There was a big storm last night, but all is well now.

"All are well" is used for describing more than one person, or animal,
(1) During the big storm last night, the horses in the barn were terrified, but all are well now.
(2) My whole family fell sick last night after eating octopus soup. We took some medicine and all are well now.

參考: My past learning
2011-03-19 12:36 am
See if it is more comprehensive.

Both are ok. However, it depends on what "ALL" refers. When it refers to the noun in plural form, "are" is used. "is" is used for the case in which "ALL" refer to the noun representing one single unit. Do you get what the logic behind ?
2011-03-18 9:00 pm
All is well = correct

All are well = wrong X

All of us are well or All of us are fine. = correct
2011-03-18 1:42 am
"All is well"is correct.
2011-03-18 1:40 am
all is well is correct

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