
2011-03-17 8:14 pm
求助,請大家幫忙翻譯,thank you so much!

回答 (6)

2011-03-20 7:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do not apply (this) to skin areas with abnormal conditions such as wound, inflammation, tumour and sunburn.
2011-03-19 4:05 am
"It must not be used in unusual situation or condition of the skin, such as wounds, inflammation, cancer, sunburn"
2011-03-17 9:31 pm
Do not apply this ointment onto the areas of the peculiar skin such as wounds,inflammation, swellings and sunburns.
2011-03-18 4:06 am
Do not use in has the unusual form skin, like wound, inflammation, tumor, sun-scald and so on place
2011-03-17 11:30 pm

Do not apply onto any infectious skin, ie wounds, swollen area, sunburnt area etc.
2011-03-17 9:48 pm
"Do not use in a different shape skin, such as the wound, inflammation, cancer, bask in the place such as the"


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