
2011-03-17 8:25 am

Write an expository essay of 100-150 words on how hong kong people celebtate christmas and describe the night secenery of this festival.

Christmas Eva/Santa Claus/Turkey/Christmas cards/Jesus Christ/Spectacular/Christmas meal/Church/Celebratory lights/Christmas carols/Prayer/decoration/Christmas party/gifts/Holiday


回答 (2)

2011-03-17 3:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案
第一樣野係,要寫得四平八穩。錯得少,睇文o既人睇得舒服同快,唔駛成日估你寫乜,呢個係起碼要求。有趣,有 style 係高一級o既。當然,唔離題係先決條件啦。

要有趣,故事創作時最基本就係文章情節要有d心思;如果係敍事描寫文,就要令描寫豐富(唔一定要用深字)。要有 style 就更難,你要真係由寫作中 develop 一個 style 出o黎,另一方法係日常睇得多英文文章,令自己耳濡目染下 pick up 一種 style。以下求其作一小段故事,唔用深字:

The sky was dark. Alone and afraid, Pete walked along this track. He had been walking for more than two hours without seeing any people, house, or lamp post. Even bats or insects seemed to dislike this track. Other than his own steps and songs, he had not heard anything -- except the pounding of his heart."How stupid am I! Why did I agree to come here?" Pete asked himself for the umpteenth time. But he knew he didn't really have options.我用o既字我諗除左 umpteenth 之外都冇乜邊個深啦。但係你可以睇到o既,係句式變化,運用分段、對話/說話,增加文章變化,呢d都可以令文章較有特色同趣味。即係話要寫得好睇,除左識字要多,可以用不同字講同一樣野,仲要多學句式(如 relative clauses, participle clauses),多運用,咁就唔駛句句都 I can ... , This is... 咁簡單。我作文通常都係講大話,因為自己好少有切合文章主題的經歴,但係作都要有個限度!! 唔好太過誇張,否則就功虧一簣嫁啦!!
參考: me
2011-03-19 6:31 pm
It is the holiday,during the Christmas Festival, there were lots of celebrations taken in Hongkong. The Christians went to the churchs in the eve to pray for the coming of the new born King, the Jesus Christ and the choir sang Carols for expressing joy and merry Christmas.While in the business district, lots of commercial buildings were decorated with Christmas trees,symbols and neonlights. What a spectacular view it was,when people were walking along on both sides of the harbor. Nearly all the restaurants had provided with Christmas menu for customers' choice on that special occasion.Though in the past Christmas cards and gifts were sent to family members, relatives,friends etc.yet that was not very common nowadays and instead to be replaced mostly by email messages or cards.Finally, there were Christmas dinners with turkey as the main course at home for most of the people.
1) Heading or Subject主題;2)Introduction導言;3)Text or composition文章內容要充實;4)expressions表達或講述正確;5)ideas意見要鮮明7)persuasions說服力要強;8) Connections between introduction and Conclusion 文章的起頭與結局要有連繫。

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