Physics (heat transfer) 急!!!

2011-03-17 5:18 am
1. 'Fried ice-cream' is made by rolling a scoop of ice-cream in a layer of pastry. It is then fried until its surface becomes golden.
It is found that the ice-cream inside does not melt even the fried pastry is at a high temperature. Briefly explain why. 2. Thermal flasks are used to store hot liquids and can keep them warm for a period of time. Insulating by foam and insulting by vacuum are two common ways of making thermal flasks.For a thermal flask applying insulation by foam, a layer of foam is used to wrap the container. Both the foam and the air trapped inside the foam are poor conductors of heat. Also, the ir inside the foam is broken into many tiny bubbles, which reduce convection of air inside the foam. Heat transfer through foam is therefore pretty slow.For a thermal flask applying insulation by vacuum, there is a vacuum between the double glass walls of the inner surface of walls of the glass container is painted silvery to reduce heat transfer. As glass is fragile, the glass container is protected by an outer case with an insulated support.(a) Explain how the foam reduces heat transfer by conduction and convection.(b) Explain why the heat insulation of vacuum between the double glass walls is better than that of foam.(c) State one design in the vacuum flask that helps to reduce heat loss by radiation.(d) Can a thermal flask also store cold liquids and keep them cold for a period of time? Explain your answer.

Thanks for your help!!!

回答 (1)

2011-03-17 6:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.It is because pastry, after frying, contains lots of air bubbles which is a poor conductor of heat. Thus preventing the melting of the ice-cream

2.(a) The foam itself and the air trapped inside it are poor conductor of heat, thus preventing heat loss by conduction. Also, the foam is broken into many tiny bubbles, which reduces convection of air inside the foam.

(b) Conduction needs a medium. There is nothing in a vacuum. Hence, completely no conduction takes place between the glass walls of a flasj.

(c) Th inner surface of the glass walls are painted silvery, thus reducing heat loss by radiation.
(d) Yes. A thermal flask can also prevents heat from entering into the flask from outside, thus keeping the liquids inside cold.

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