
2011-03-17 4:24 am
Cloze passages. Fill in each blank with one suitable word.

1. My friends and i love to 1._________ Pokemon cards. We 2._________ shopping for them every week and look for special deals. Each of us has an envelope 3.__________ each card to protect it and keep it 4.________.
Sometimes, we make trades to get our 5._________ cards. We do not trade too 6._________ because sometimes we start to argue. Each of us wants to get the best deal and that can be a 7.___________.

Mostly we play games with them and show them to 8.________ other. I have more than fifty 9.__________ now and they are really beautiful. Some of my friends have more than eighty but they spend more 10. _________ than me.

2. In November 1902, Theodore Roosevelt 11.___________ the president of America. People liked calling him Ted. One day, Ted went 12.__________ with his firends in the countryside. After hours of searching, they did not meet any wild animals. Finally, they 13.___________ a helpless bear. One of the guides asked Ted to shoot 14.___________ so that he could win. But Ted refused. Many people praised Ted 15.____________ his kindness.

Some time later, a store owner decided to make 16._________ bears to sell in his shop. He asked Ted to allow him to use the name ' Teddy's Bear' for his toys. He did this 17._________ he wanted to remind people of the bear that Ted 18._________. Everybody now knows these toys as Teddy Bears, but 19._______ of them know that they were named 20.___________ President Roosevelt.

回答 (4)

2011-03-17 6:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. collect
2. go
3. for
4. clean
5. favourite
6. many
7. problem
8. each
9. cards
10. money

11. became
12. hunting
13. found
14. it
15. for
16. toy
17. because
18. saved / spared
19. few
20. after

2011-03-19 5:30 am
5.own (not sure about it...)
8.win (don't think it's the correct answer,though)
10.time/money (it depends but i think it's possibly "money")
11-20: I answered those just now in your another question~
2011-03-17 7:50 am
1) play; 2) wish; 3) for; 4) safe; 5)Pokemon; 6) much; 7) winner; 8) each;
9) right; 10) time; 11) then; 12) hunting; 13) chased; 14) for;
2011-03-17 7:02 am
1)1. collect
2. go
3. for
4. safe
5. favourite
6. many
7. problem
8. each
9. cards
10. money
2) 11. became
12. hunting
13. found
14. it
15. for
16. toy
17. because
18. saved
19. none
20. after

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