connecting hdmi cables?

2011-03-15 9:30 am
my onkyo receiver has 5 hdmi in ports and one out. T.V has 3 in, and cablebox has one out.I have one hdmi cable out from cablebox to tv. no problem. the question would be how do I get sound through my receiver if I want more sound than just the tv speakers when watching cable tv? I dont wish to just run the cable box hdmi out to the receiver because most of the time when im home to watch regular tv I have roommates sleeping and my audio system is too powerful, and at 4000 watts plus, will be too much draw on the electric bill for everyday use. would one solution be to just use the red,blue,green cables from cable to tv for just everyday use, and then use the hdmi out from cable to receiver for the occasional stereo sound be ok? if i do that am I just lowering the picture quality from true hd because of the co-ax cable connection, or does the hdmi source become the "master" in effect and override the RBG connection. I am just a little over my head here. if there were two hdmi outs on the cablebox it would be too easy but there is not. RATS!

回答 (2)

2011-03-15 1:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Cable box via HDMI to the TV, digital audio out from TV back to receiver.

I'm assuming your TV has digital audio out. Your Onkyo receiver almost certainly has digital audio input.
2011-03-15 9:00 pm
A couple of options (other than HDMI to receiver, HDMI from receiver to TV which you don't like ... although in my view it's the best option should you have more than one source device (e,g, DVD, Blu-ray, game console and cablebox)):

- Cablebox > TV using HDMI (video and audio) and Cablebox > receiver using optical or digital coax (surround audio).

- Cablebox > TV using HDMI and TV > receiver via optical (same result as above)

Both allow you to use the TV speakers most of the time and the audio system when you want it (by turning TV sound down).

As to your audio system being too powerful ... it's no louder than you set it and will always give better sound than TV speakers. BUT it's your choice.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 13:39:21
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