
2011-03-16 4:45 am
2.我在上年於pizza hut任職廚房助理3個月.因學業關係離職.
3.我識得MS excel.work,和基本電腦操作,還識得急救和說西班牙語。
8.因為我符合 貴公司我入職條件,我也需要這份工。
9.我希望可以為 貴公司提供營業額。

回答 (3)

2011-03-16 12:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I had repeated Form 5 in a private school after graduated Form 5 from XXX secondary school. I had participated in the CE examination twice, and am attending the tourism classes in the Yijin project currently.2. I worked as a kitchen assistant in the Pizza Hut for 3 months last year, and left because of academic reasons.I am proficient in Microsoft Excel, and also possess knowledge in First Aid and Spanish.I love playing sports and reading.I learnt about this position from the Employment Services website of the Labor Department.I have a strong sense of responsibility, being meticulous and independent. I am also a very friendly individual to work with.Sometimes people might feel that I am too solemn as I am too devoted in my job.I feel that I need this job and also meet the requirements for this position.I wish that I can promote the sales quota for your company.
2011-03-18 4:12 am
1. I after xx middle school completes 5, 5. has tested 2 year area-wide student examination in private school stress one year. Now reads tightly resolute enters the plan traveling branch.
2. I in last year in pizza hut assignment kitchen assistant 3 months. Because the studies relations leave job.
3. I know MS excel.work, with basic computer operation, but also knew the first aid and speaks Spanish.
4. I like playing football, reading.
5. I know this position from the work site interaction employment service network.
6. my responsibility grieving, careful, is independent and is friendly.
7. sometimes, I too excessively enter my work, will work with me the human to be possible together to think that I will be quite serious.
8. because I conform to your firm I to enter the duty condition, I also need this labor.
9. I hoped that may provide the turnover for your firm.
2011-03-16 5:01 am
1. I have completed 5 xx after high school, repeat a year in private school 5. obtained his 2-year examinations. now read tight Tourism Division Project Yi Jin.
2. I worked in the previous year in the pizza hut kitchen assistant for 3 months. due to leave school relations.
3. I know have MS excel.work, and basic computer operations, but also have first aid knowledge and speak Spanish. 4. I ​​like playing football and reading.
5. I know the Labour Department Interactive Employment Services Web this post.
6. I heavy sense of responsibility, careful, independent and friendly.
7. Sometimes, I head into my work too, and I work with think I am a good person can be serious.
8. because I meet the entry requirements of your company, and I need this job.
9. I hope I can provide your company turnover.


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