幫手翻譯 THX 20點

2011-03-16 4:17 am
我覺得 viktor 好聰明,雖然他家鄉發生政變,他的國籍不被承認,被迫無了期滯留在甘迺迪機場。但他在滯留期間,他學懂在機場範圍內照顧自己的起居飲食,更認識了不少的朋友。
有一次,他國家的人民被機場的人員說他的藥是沒有醫生證明的,所以不能夠過關,但他說這些藥是給動物的,根據國家的法例,動物的藥是不受限制的,所以他能夠順利登上飛機,把藥帶給他的父親,而順利過關,事後他非常感謝viktor,vikor 也因此很開心,能夠幫助到別人。
另外,當他發現把購物車推回原位時旁邊的箱會有錢會出來,他便開始賺錢買飯吃, 但機場的主任卻不讓他這樣做,想他逼他衝閘,令到他離開自己的管制之外,不會影響自己的升職機會,可是viktor又想到另一種的辨法去繼續賺錢吃飯,可見他很常聰明。

回答 (2)

2011-03-19 5:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think that Viktor is extremely smart. Although a political upheaval just broke out in his home country and his citizenship was not recognized which leaded him to be held up in the Kennedy Airport, he still managed to take care of his personally needs and he had also met a lots of new friends.
One time, a man who came from same country as Vikto was kept by the airport staffs as the medicine he was carrying had no medical certificate. The staff had Viktor as the translator as they couldn't understand a word the man said. Viktor listened to the man and he told that the staffs that the medicine was for a goat. According to the law, medical certificate is not required if the medicine is for animals. As a result, the man was released along with the medicine which was actually for his father and he greatly appreciated Viktor's kind heart. Viktor was also very glad that he could help this poor fellow.
Smart Viktor discovered that if he put shopping carts back to where they originally were, money would fall out from a machine. With his discovery, Viktor began using this method to earn money so that he could buy himself a proper meal. However, the manager of the airport did not like him and he did many things trying to remove Viktor from his territory so that Viktor would not destroy his opportunity to be promoted. But Viktor soon found out another way to earn money. It shows Viktor incredible intelligence.
I also found Viktor very humorous as it was very hilarious when he was trying to match his friend with a girl.
As a conclusion, I think that Tom Hanks had gained a place in the audiences' mind as a great actor through his eminent performance as Viktor int he film "The Terminal".
參考: Honestly, I watched the movie and I changed your composition a bit (maybe not only a bit). I hope that it helps and feel free to edit anything :)
2011-03-16 5:44 am
I think Viktor is very smart. Although his hometown had occurred coup, his nationality was not recognized and he was forced to indefinitely remain in the Kennedy Airport . However, during his stranded period, he learnt how he took care of his daily diet himself at the airport, he also met lots of friends there. Once a person of his country was said that there is no medical proof the medicine, so he could not pass, but he said these drugs are for animals. According to state law, animal drug is not restricted, Therefore, he would be able to board the aircraft, and brought the medicine to his father, Afterwards, he was very grateful to Viktor, And Viktor was very happy to help others. In addition, when he found the shopping cart pushed back the money when the next box will come out. He began to make money to buy food to eat, but the airport's director did not let him do so, he forced him to red gate, so to he left outside his control, will not affect their promotion prospects. However, Viktor also thought of another way to continue making money to eat. As we can see he is very often smart. I also think he is very funny, even as a friend to act as a matchmaker and match a pair of lovers. During the process was very funny so that the audience laughed together in Kazakhstan .Finally, I think more people know him in this film, so that `the cause of his better, higher level.聆聽以拼音方式閱讀字典 - 檢視詳細字典
參考: myself(some are from google)

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