Do you agree student work part time after school?
In my opinion , I not agree students work part- time after school.
Both part- time have good and bad.
First,part-time something good for us is other learning expend.In some company or resturant work part- time,not just use something in book.Example we can't learn how to be a good waiter in Nss.In school,teacher just teath you basic subject,may be they will not teach you some how to work.
Working part time had something bad too.One day only 24 hours,we are learing in school eight hours,eight hours to sleep.24 hours -8 hours -8 hours= 8hours.We just only have six hours for 1 days.And this 8 houres.We should use those 8 hours for our revision.Think about it,if we use that 8 hours to work part time,than how to revision our homework?
may be you think that have saturday and sunday .But this is enough?And how to get good in our school life and family life ?
So ,i don't agree students work part - time after because it not good for our school life and family life.
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