改 grammer

2011-03-16 1:17 am
Do you agree student work part time after school?

In my opinion , I not agree students work part- time after school.
Both part- time have good and bad.
First,part-time something good for us is other learning expend.In some company or resturant work part- time,not just use something in book.Example we can't learn how to be a good waiter in Nss.In school,teacher just teath you basic subject,may be they will not teach you some how to work.
Working part time had something bad too.One day only 24 hours,we are learing in school eight hours,eight hours to sleep.24 hours -8 hours -8 hours= 8hours.We just only have six hours for 1 days.And this 8 houres.We should use those 8 hours for our revision.Think about it,if we use that 8 hours to work part time,than how to revision our homework?
may be you think that have saturday and sunday .But this is enough?And how to get good in our school life and family life ?
So ,i don't agree students work part - time after because it not good for our school life and family life.

改 grammer,有d唔岩既句子.

我要番篇岩 grammer,d 句式岩既

回答 (3)

2011-03-16 12:50 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In my opinion , I do not agree that students should work part- time after school.
Part-time work has its advantages and disadvantages.
First of all, one can expend their knowledge for working part time as they can learn something which is unable to obtain from school. For example, we can learn a lot of knowledge in the school, yet we cannot obtain any experiences in interpersonal skills unless working in the society.
Working part time has its disadvantages too. We only have 24 hours a day. We attend school for eight hours, and we should use the remaining time for your homework revision. How about the weekends then? My opinion is the weekends would not be sufficient to take care of the school life and family life as well.Based on the aforementioned reason, I do not agree that the students should work part-time because it will jeopardize the school life and family life simultaneously.
2016-12-05 10:28 pm
The theme should be grammar,not grammer

Do you agree that the students should work part time after school?

From my point of view,i don t agree that the students work part-time after school.
There are advantages and disvantages to students in part-time,and i will be elaborating in the following.
Students are able to learn the multitude of interesting things,for instance,students are obtaining how to associate with each other from part-time,including,talking with others ,serving for clients or selling,these are quite precious experiences in their life.
But,by the same time,some students can not take care of their study when they are working part-time,in which is hard to derive balance .hence,many students s study may be declined for part-time.
Moreover,they may have alitte time to communicate with their parents and play with friends,although,students can acquire the adequate money to buy what they want,they also lose a lot .
2011-03-16 1:45 am
In my opinion , I disagree students work part- time after school.
Part-time have both adventages and disadventages.
First of all, the adventages of working part-time is that we can expend our other learning experences. Working part time in some company or resturant, we aren't only using something in textbook. For example, we can't learn how to be a good waiter in NSS. In school, teacher just teach you basic subject,maybe they won't teach you things on how to work when you grow up.
After talking about the adventages of working part-time, let's talk about the disadventages of that. We have only got 24 hours per day ,we spend time on learning in school for eight hours and eight hours to sleep. 24 hours -8 hours -8 hours= 8hours. After calculating, we have only eight hours left for 1 day. And this 8 hours are very precious.We should use those 8 hours for our revision.Think about it,if we use that certin hours to work part- time,then, there's no time for us to do our revision on homework!
Maybe you think that there's still saturday and sunday .But is this enough?And how are we going to be doing well in our school life and family life ?

So, overall,i don't agree students to work part - time after school, because it's not good for our school life and family life.

2011-03-15 17:46:51 補充:
.In my opinion , I disagree students work part- time after school.

change to

In my opinion, I disagree students to work part-time after school.
參考: me

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