
2011-03-15 9:16 pm

回答 (4)

2011-03-16 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
當氫與氧react會做成水 . 2H2 + O2 ------> 2H2O + energy
This is exothermic reaction , give out energy .
但當水受高温會將水split into 氫及氧 .
水 +高温(由核能產生) -------->氫 + 氧 . Just reverse the above reaction .水是用來cool 核蕊 , 現在水因抽水機壞了 , 不能circulate帶走熱力 , 而自已吸了熱能 , 化為蒸氣 , 當温度再升時 , 水分裂成氫及氧 , 而引起爆炸 .
2011-03-16 7:32 pm
Kc depends on temperature.
under very high temp. ---- not 100 or 200 degrees, but >2000 degrees, everything is possible.

Ah Hin:
NOT electrolysis! though it's power plant, now there's no electricity.
(if there's free chlorine, the situation would be even more disastrous..)
2011-03-16 5:26 am
2011-03-16 4:36 am
Is it really possible to split into hydrogen and oxygen at the high temperature of water?

2011-03-15 20:36:25 補充:
Suppose it is possible, the products formed may be very small. Just using the idea from chemical equilibrium, the Kc for conversion of H2O into H2 + O2 is 1.1 * 10^-81 mol dm^-3, which indicates the decomposition of water takes place to only a very small extent...

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