請教英文 ~ 幫忙翻譯

2011-03-15 6:24 pm
請問如果想寫以下句子, 英文應該怎樣寫 ...

1. 我們聘請她是透過 '僱傭中介公司 ' 的. ( 即是 一些 ' personnel consultants agent ' )


回答 (6)

2011-03-16 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
We employed her through a personnel consultants agent.
2011-03-20 6:26 am
We invite her to penetrate 'the employment Tendering agency'.
2011-03-20 2:51 am
我們聘請她是透過 '僱傭中介公司 ' 的.
We hired her through the 'employment agency'.
2011-03-16 11:23 pm
我們聘請她是透過 '僱傭中介公司 ' 的. ( 即是 一些 ' personnel consultants agent ' )

We have hired her thru a personnel consultancy agent.


She has been hired thru a personnel consultancy agent.
2011-03-15 6:48 pm
We hired her through the employment agency.
2011-03-15 6:36 pm
We employed her through an employment agency.就是如此簡單。

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