俾人告侵權~緊急求救~ 感激萬分

2011-03-15 5:02 pm
我家人不小心在淘寶入咗件有 "Lx" logo 貨物,

佢入貨時無睇清楚網頁內容所以唔知有個 logo (因佢本身都知唔可以出售有關商品, 已交代售貨員但又無檢查清楚)

結果收到封律師信上有其公司及其本人名稱 (商場舖) 要求佢賠 $25000 及交出有關入貨資料,

佢都知自己有責任但小本經營啱啱開張真係俾唔到咁多, 請問有無辨法可以減輕罰款或佢自己仲有乜可以做呢,

請大家幫忙 , 感激 感激 ~~~

回答 (2)

2011-03-20 3:22 am
✔ 最佳答案

In the business world, nothing is impossible.

You may attempt the following ways to minimize the lost:

1) Contact their lawyers initiative and let them know this is your mistake bidding the LU product from a famous mainland website, with evidences shown ( like computer printouts of the order form and selling prices, etc ) to verify the info. and let them trust your statements.

2) Guarantee you would not sell any of these products and you promise to help investigation to arrest the real persons who put them on sale online. This can increase your point of sympathy and can let them know you have sincerity to solve the problem.

3) So far this has not gone into legal actions for their lawyers had not submitted the case to court. Definitely you have opportunity to solve, at the expenses of some compensation ( should be thousands only ) and a written guarantee not selling any these LU products.

4) They also do not want to submit the case to the court for the cost of lawyers is also high enough. They would also suffer a lost in that case even they can claim from you some compensation. So why don't you settle the problem with you privately?

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip
2011-03-17 4:31 am

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