
2011-03-15 5:13 am
Dear Susan,
Thank you for your inquires, Please advice the size of the logo for us. Thank you!

回答 (4)

2011-03-17 12:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Susan,

Thank you for your inquires on the logo, would you kindly advise us what is the sizes of it. Thank you.
2011-03-15 7:54 am
Dear Susan,

Thank you for your enquiry(詢價) of xxxx(dd/mm/yy). Please notify/inform us of the logo size.(不宜用advise(vt) 或advice(n), 另外please 之後的verb不能加s或es ) Thank you.
2011-03-15 7:04 am
Dear Susan,
Thank you for your inquires, Please gives some advices on the size of the logo for us. Thank you!
2011-03-15 5:16 am
Some mistakes are here.
Adivce is a noun, the part of speech of Advice is Advise..

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