countable & uncountable

2011-03-15 4:42 am

people is 數到or 數不到?

and i have a question:

how to improve my writing skills?


回答 (3)

2011-03-15 6:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The word, “people”, is plural. It is also a countable noun.

A people (countable) = a race or a nation
e.g. His dream is that the peoples of the world will one day unite.
---- the peoples of Europe. (~ quoted from Longman English Dictionary)

People (plural noun) = men, women and children.
He finds it difficult to get along with people.
I met four people.
Many people were dead.

If you can add –s to people or put a number or the word “many” in front of it, I don’t think people is an uncountable noun.

How to improve the writing skill.

1. Read English newspapers and magazines every day. (不是三分鐘熱度) Cultivate a good hobby such as reading English non-fiction in your spare time. Read some collected essays by some famous English writers.
2. Try to write as much as possible. e.g. composition, letters. If you can find a mentor to mark your paper or make any constructive criticism, so much the better.
3. Buy or borrow some textbooks on English writing and learn from them. e.g. Element of Style –by Strunk & White.
4. A good English dictionary is a MUST. Besides looking up the meaning of the word, learn how to use the word from the examples given.
參考: Longman English Dictionary
2011-03-20 1:30 am
countable of course -
such as:count the number of people in this discussion.:)
2011-03-15 5:14 am
People (數唔到)

How to improve my writing skills:
1. Try to read more books and underline some sentences that you think it is important and can help u to learn
2.Write more compositions and do the corrections later on
3.Double check your compositions to see whether there is something wrong
4.Look more dictionary to learn the words and phrases and use it in the compo

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