non-defining clauses 問題

2011-03-15 3:01 am
例如 The English book is blue.It is on the desk.

呢一句係轉為non-defining clauses定係defining clauses?

可以詳細解釋一下點先會用non-defining clauses嗎?


回答 (2)

2011-03-25 2:46 am
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The English book that/which is on the desk is blue.
(1) Defining Clause(定義短句)通常有Relative Pronoun(關係代名詞),如who, whom, which, when, that, where, why等。若句子中缺少了以下句子中括號裏的短句, 整句句子便會失去原意或變成無意義:
John knows (where Tom lives).
如果沒有where Tom lives,句子就沒有意思了:John knows.
Marry will phone me (when Edward has arrived Hong Kong).
如果沒有when Edward has arrived Hong Kong,句子仍有意思,但已經失去原意。
Raymond,(the man whom we met this morning), is my uncle.
(2) Non-Defining Clause(非定義短句)當中的whom, which, when, that, where, why等只是補充加以描述,忽略此短句句子仍有意思,只是沒有加以描述。如:
The girl (who is dressing a beautiful pink dress) is one of my good friends.
如果沒有who is dressing a beautiful pink dress,就變成The girl is one of my good friends,句子仍然成立,但沒有描述到誰是我的好朋友,前句就說明了穿著漂亮的粉紅色裙子的那個女孩。
2011-03-15 8:34 pm
首先要明白' 定義短句'(Defining Clause)是多用'關係性代名詞'(Relative Pronoun)如 when, which, that, who, where 等作起句如以下理括孤內的短句,
句子中若缺少了這短句, 整句便會失去原意或變成無意義, 如下:
She will tell you (where she lives).
I will call you (when he arrives).
Will you let me ( how old are you) ?

2011-03-15 12:54:54 補充:
' 非定義短句'(Non Defining Clause) 雖用以描述' 主詞'(Subject), 也常用
Relative Pronoun 起句, 但原句缺了它也不失基本意思如下:
The car, (which I borrowed from a friend), was stolen.**並不一定用人名**
Matthew, ( who is a good student), is getting naughty lately(最近變頑皮了).

2011-03-15 13:05:17 補充:
Raymond,(the man whom we met this morning), is my uncle.

你的句子可寫成 The English book,(which is blue), is on the desk. 或
The English book, ( which is on the desk), is blue. 括弧中便是 Non-Defining
Clause了。視乎你句子主要表達的是' 書在桌上' 或' 書是藍色的'。

2011-03-15 14:16:45 補充:
對不起, 我在002 意見中第三句 Will you let me know ( how old are you).中漏打了 know 字。敬希原諒及留意。

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