
2011-03-14 7:04 pm
Enclosed please find the Bank TT Application Form for your reference.

Bank 前面使5使加 the ?

Enclosed please find / Enclosed herewith 用法是否一樣?

Thank you.

回答 (5)

2011-03-14 8:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果係特別名稱 (i.e. Hong Kong Bank/Hang Seng Bank), 就不用加 "the"
如果係很籠統地稱作銀行 (bank), 就要加 "the"

1) Enclosed please find Hong Kong Bank's TT Application Form for your reference.

2) Enclosed please find the bank's TT Application Form for your reference.

Enclosed please find / Enclosed herewith 是一樣用法.
參考: My knowledge
2011-03-19 3:36 am
yes you need to add.
2011-03-15 3:03 am
Enclosed herewith please find the T/T application form of XXX Bank Limited for your reference/Enclosed please find the T/T application form of XXX Bank Limited for your reference. 該句也可以改寫成:The T/T application form of XXX Bank Limited is enclosed for your reference.
2011-03-15 1:57 am
Enclosed please find the Bank TT Application Form for your reference.

Bank 前面使5使加 the ? yes with THE

Enclosed please find the bank TT application form for your reference.


Enclosed herewith is the the bank TT application form for your reference.
2011-03-14 7:28 pm
要加 the, 因為是' 該銀行' 的 application form.
用法無大差別, 但寫 Enclosed herewith 不如寫 Enclosed hereinwith 因為該
application form 亦是放在信封內的。

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