肝超聲波報告想知道中文解釋 ,可唔可以幫我翻譯 thx

2011-03-14 10:29 am
Liver is normal in echogenicity.
A 2cm ( amended ) well defined hyperechoic mass noted in the right lobe of liver. Billary tree is not dilated. Portal vein flow direction is normal.
Murphy's sign negative.Pancreatic head , tail is obscured .
Spleen is not enlarged.

Kidneys a 1.2cm well defined hyperechoic nodule noted in the right lower pole.

Graded compression of the bowel loops on the right side of the abdomen shows moderate tendemess which is more severe in the upper than lower quadrant .
2nd Version of report : to change size of liver lesion .

想知嚴唔嚴重? THX !

報告的第1次版本:初時第一句說肝臟的那病變是82公分,I feel so pain of my right side that make me check it what happen inside.

回答 (2)

2011-03-17 7:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Liver is normal in echogenicity.肝臟的外型正常(沒脹大或縮小)
A 2cm ( amended ) well defined hyperechoic mass noted in the right lobe of liver. 在右邊肝葉有一個2公分大(這尺寸曾修正)的明顯硬塊(有可能是腫瘤)
Billary tree is not dilated.膽管系統沒有鬆弛(如有膽石或阻塞,膽汁流動不正常,會令膽管鬆弛)
Portal vein flow direction is normal.肝臟靜脈的流動方向正常(沒阻塞以致血管改道)
Murphy's sign negative.沒有Murphy徵象(Sorry, 我不懂這是何種病變)
Pancreatic head , tail is obscured .胰臟的頭和尾部不清楚見到
Spleen is not enlarged.脾臟沒有脹大(沒發炎或腫瘤)

Kidneys a 1.2cm well defined hyperechoic nodule noted in the right lower pole.右邊腎臟的腎盂下方有一個1.2公分大的硬結核(原因要問醫生)

Graded compression of the bowel loops on the right side of the abdomen shows moderate tenderness which is more severe in the upper than lower quadrant .在右邊腹部的大腸段落 ,有漸進的擠壓狀況,顯示大腸的柔軟程度是普通。上腹區域比下腹區域擠壓狀況較嚴重(可能是肝臟的腫瘤擠壓著鄰近的大腸,要問醫生才可確定)
2nd Version of report : to change size of liver lesion .報告的第二次修改版本:改正肝臟那病變的尺寸(即第一句說2公分,初時不是的)


2011-03-17 17:22:33 補充:
Kidneys a 1.2cm well defined hyperechoic nodule noted in the right lower pole.右邊腎臟的腎盂下方有一個1.2公分大的硬結核(原因要問醫生)

2011-03-14 2:06 pm
用超聲波掃瞄器掃瞄時候,發現肝臟正常;又很清楚發現有兩厘米巨大的塊物存在肝臟的右葉內. 膽囊內並無擴張.肝門靜脈的流動正常;麥菲氏的肝臟惡性貧血測試呈陰性反應。胰臟的頭頂和尾部都很清晰。再者脾臟並無脹大。腎臟在右下邊極端有1.2 厘米的巨大小結。在右邊腹腔內有逐漸壓縮腸管曲度,但是屬於輕微程度;而此種現象在腹腔上半部較下半部為嚴重。

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