
2011-03-14 4:40 am
I want to ask which school is better in different criteria, such as academic results, sports competitions .....
(I think queen elizabeth school is better ) I WANT MORE PEOPLE TO HELP PLZ..

回答 (1)

2011-03-21 12:19 am
✔ 最佳答案

Both are famous schools in Kowloon with decades.

1) Queen Elizabeth School is a government school. The students are very good in behaviour and they are very obedient compared to other schools.

It has lots of inter-school activities held like annual musical festivals, inter-school debate competitions, inter-school chess competitions, visits to other countries, etc. As I know, their students got huge number of awards in Chess, Speech, Sports ( Ping Pong Ball and Handball ), Drama, Mathematics and Science projects, etc.

The learning atmosphere is relatively free and the students do not have much homework pressure. Many like to play ball games or chat around after schools.

2) Kowloon Wah Yan College is a DSS Boys school. The students are eager to learn and they show very good results every year in the public examinations.

The school has also lots of activities held and the students can show good achievements in different categories from Mathematics, Sports ( It is a Division I school in HK in athletes ), Chinese Chess to Olympic.

As it is a male college, you can expect the boys are a bit more naughty for absence of girls. However, they are in general better in Science subjects and the students are eager to attend private tutorials after schools.

You are suggested to visit their websites for more information about their school mission, student's achievements ( like posted academic results, external awards, school activities, etc ) to compare them. The other way is to consult your school teachers for comments. To me, both are top choices in Kowloon.

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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