
2011-03-14 3:19 am
分子分母是三位數 :

TTT / IZS = NNN / TIE ≈ π


回答 (4)

2011-03-14 3:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) 111/3.141592653<100,不合。
(2) 222/3.141592653<100,不合。
(3) 333/3.141592653=105.99719...,這時分母可取為106。
(4) 444/3.141592653=141.32958...,這時分母可取為141。
(5) 555/3.141592653=176.66198...,這時分母可取為177。
(6) 666/3.141592653=211.99438...,這時分母可取為212。
(7) 777/3.141592653=247.32678...,這時分母可取為247。
(8) 888/3.141592653=282.65917...,這時分母可取為283。
(9) 999/3.141592653=317.99157...,這時分母可取為318。
333/106 = 999/318 ,又剛好T和I的位置分別都是3和1,所以正確。
參考: Hope I Can Help You
2011-03-14 4:06 am
Should it be "when 333 is divided by Pi, the quotient is 106" ?
2011-03-14 3:42 am
2011-03-14 3:38 am

My analysis as follows:

1) 999 / 318 ~ Pi

2) 333 / 106 ~ Pi

Hence, we have

N = 9

T = 3

I = 1

E = 8

Z = 0

S = 6

Hope my answer is right.

2011-03-13 19:48:06 補充:
Forget to mention one thing:

A tricky way is to use a large number of 3 equal digits to divide Pi and check the quotient.

I attempted the largest one 999 and when it is divided by Pi, the quotient is roughly 318.

Repeatedly, when 318 is divided by Pi the quotient is 106.

2011-03-13 20:26:57 補充:
Yes 金庸飛雪連天射白鹿 笑書神俠倚碧鴛 I have a typing mistake

2011-03-14 09:44:48 補充:
I cannot drop notes in my answering part ..... I do not know why.

The conclusion is it is actually a trial and error process. Start from the largest no. 999 because it is the most possible number to give an appropriate answer. And luckily it works. If it does not work, start 888, 777 ....

2011-03-14 09:47:08 補充:
The tricky thing is you are not guessing TIE, but simply use NNN as 999 to divide by Pi for obtaining a possible TIE. Use this value of T to compute INS by dividing Pi again. As the question itself doe not ask for steps, I simply draw out the analytical part for ans. only without much explanation.
參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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