We just get married?

2011-03-14 1:55 am

回答 (4)

2011-03-15 1:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
We HAVE just get married,
= We have just married.


2011-03-14 5:18 pm
2011-03-14 8:40 am
完全認同意見者 mwl_r 說法. 應該用Present perfect tense. (因為有just ”剛” 字)
We have just got married.
但有些人用We just got married. 也是對的.
2011-03-14 4:05 am
錯, 應寫作 We've just got married. 或 We just got married.

2011-03-14 09:36:32 補充:
Thanks for the unbiased comment from Godfrey.

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