求AL,UE 93年之前的SectionB (有幾多要幾多

2011-03-13 8:30 am

回答 (1)

2011-03-13 8:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Opportunities to use English in Hong Kong are many, but few young people take advantage of them. Propose a scheme whereby students from certain classes in your school might exchange visits and participate in activities with native English-speaking students in a school nearby. Address your proposal to the teacher in charge of the English Club in your school, outlining your ideas and pointing out the mutual benefits that could result if they were tried out.
Sign your proposal ‘C.C.Chan’. Do NOT use your real name
'Study in sunny Australia’, says an AUSTRADE advertisement on the wall of the MTR. You are interested. Do tasks (1) and (2) below:
(1) Write to the Education Marketing Officer at the Australian Trade Commission seeking more details about universities and colleges that offer places to foreign students.
(2) Following your enquiries to several possible institutions, one of them forwards you an application form requesting that you complete it and send it back together with a handwritten explanatory statement about yourself, giving your reasons for wanting to go to Australia (rather than the U.K. for example), and your expectations of the course you have selected. Write this statement.
Sign the letter and the statement ‘D.K.Poon’. Do NOT use your real name.
Speaker A: Freedom is the right to disagree.
Speaker B: True. But it's sometimes better for everyone if you keep quiet.
Consider the point of view of both speakers. Write a discussion essay in which you draw on experiences from your own life to illustrate the need to sometimes ‘speak up’ or ‘shut up’.

2011-03-13 00:58:54 補充:
You have been offered two jobs: one is that of a trainee supermarket manager (low pay, boring work, good prospects, good terms of employment): the other is as a factory manager in your uncle's garment factory (low pay, interesting Work, uncertain prospects, possible family privileges).

2011-03-13 00:59:02 補充:
Write a letter to an older brother (now living in Canada), who has often given you good advice in the past. Describe the two jobs, express your opinions and ask him to help you make the right choice.
Sign your letter 'Chris'. DO NOT use your real name.

2011-03-13 01:00:06 補充:
Alan: I've just signed up to participate in the 'Help the Aged' Project. I did it last year as well and found it an enjoyable and fruitful experience. Are you involved in any voluntary work?

2011-03-13 01:00:15 補充:
Betty: Of course I am even though I don't particularly like it, And do you know why I do it? It's because you always have to say that you've done some voluntary work when you go for an interview either for a job or for university.

2011-03-13 01:00:24 補充:
Alan: Oh, that's not why I signed up.
You have just overhead these two students talking. Write an article for the school English magazine discussing the two different points of view expressed in the conversation, and also giving your own views.

2011-03-13 01:00:29 補充:
Sign the article ‘C.C.Chan’ Do NOT use your real name. Do Not write any address.

2011-03-13 01:01:06 補充:
In a recent debate in your school, the topic of environmental pollution was raised. Two main views emerged. One was that restrictions on pollution will harm the present and future prosperity of Hong Kong. ...

2011-03-13 01:01:13 補充:
...The other was that if restrictions are not enforced soon, people's health will be badly affected.
Write an essay discussing these two opposing views and trying to suggest a reasonable way forward.

2011-03-13 01:01:33 補充:
Your principal has asked you to organise an end-of-term exhibition for your school. The theme is ‘Be a Blood Donor’. Write a letter to all senior students in the school. In your letter, try hard to persuade them to volunteer to help with the exhibition. ...

2011-03-13 01:01:42 補充:
...In addition to persuading them by giving reasons why they should assist you, give them some indication of what you are planning for the exhibition.
Sign the letter ‘H.K.Wong’. Do NOT use your real name. Do NOT write any address.

2011-03-13 01:01:54 補充:
You have received letters from two friends who are studying at overseas universities. One of them is really enjoying herself. The other one hates everything about life at his university.

2011-03-13 01:02:31 補充:
You are caught in a dilemma because you have the opportunity to make your own decision-whether to stay in Hong Kong and study in one of Hong Kong's universities, or go overseas to study.

2011-03-13 01:02:37 補充:
Write a letter to someone you trust discussion your dilemma and indicating what your feelings are at the moment.
Sign the letter ‘Chris’. Do NOT use your real name. Do Not write any address.

2011-03-13 01:02:52 補充:
The pressures of life are forcing Hong Kong people to forget their traditional roles by neglecting their old people. Discuss this issue with reference to the care of old people in Hong Kong.

2011-03-13 01:03:02 補充:
Recent statistics demonstrate that crime, particularly armed robbery, is on the increase in Hong Kong. Attempt to account for this increase in the crime rate.

2011-03-13 01:03:18 補充:
“Animals deserve to be treated with the same consideration and care as human beings.” Consider the arguments for and/or against this assertion.

2011-03-13 01:03:30 補充:
Some people say that certain pop and film ‘stars’ do not provide good role models for the younger generation. However, others maintain that these stars have the right to privacy, and that what they do in their private life is no business of the public. ...

2011-03-13 01:03:38 補充:
...Support or counter the view that ‘stars’ in Hong Kong have the duty to provide a good example of behaviour for young people. Give reasons for your opinion.

2011-03-13 01:03:54 補充:
There is evidence that, because of relatively low salaries, newly-qualified doctors are reluctant to work in government hospitals. They can earn much more in private practice.

2011-03-13 01:04:05 補充:
Some doctors defend the freedom of all doctors to choose their own place of work. Other people argue that the government should intervene to decide where newly-qualified doctors should, as is the case in some Southeast Asian countries.

2011-03-13 01:04:12 補充:
Discuss these different viewpoints, giving reasons why you agree or disagree.

2011-03-13 01:04:25 補充:
Japanese workers are said to work very long hours. In many companies, workers are reluctant to take holidays, unless they are ordered to do so. When they do take a vacation, it is usually organised by their company and they are usually accompanied by their fellow workers.

2011-03-13 01:04:31 補充:
Briefly, give your own views about the Japanese work ethic and their attitude to holidays as described above. Then discuss the attitudes and practices of Hong Kong people with regard to recreation and leisure, and how they compare with Japanese attitudes and practices.

2011-03-13 01:04:42 補充:
The City Polytechnic and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology have been established recently in Hong Kong. Write an article to be published in the ‘Young Post’ supplement of the South China Morning Post or the ‘Education’ supplement of The Standard.

2011-03-13 01:04:49 補充:
Give your views about the advantages and disadvantages of studying at a very new institution rather than at one of the older institutions, such as The University of Hong Kong or The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

2011-03-13 01:05:03 補充:
The pressure of studies and examinations places a great load on young people as they grow up and develop. Some say that schoolwork is so important that romantic relationships between boys and girls should wait until after Form 7. ...

2011-03-13 01:05:14 補充:
...Others say that a healthy romantic relationship between two young people can be of great benefit to both of them. Write an essay for the school's English Magazine discussing these conflicting views. End your essay by giving your own opinion. ...

2011-03-13 01:05:20 補充:
...Finally, as a suggestion for the editor of the English Magazine, provide a title for your article.

2011-03-13 01:05:32 補充:
The pop star Anita Mui ( 梅艷芳 ) sometimes plays the role of a strong, aggressive and dominant woman during her performance on stage. Discuss, with reasons, the extent to which you think this is a role which young women and men can accept, and young women should imitate.

2011-03-13 01:06:00 補充:
Imagine that the government has announced that it has a surplus of $8 billion because of unexpectedly good trading and revenue collection figures. The Governor has stated he wants to hear the views of young people in Hong Kong as to how the extra revenue should be spent. ...

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