i phone 4 與 Galaxy tab

2011-03-13 7:51 am
1) 我想問Galaxy tab 是否跟i-phone 4差不多呢

2) i-phone app 是否可用於Galaxy

3) 唔知出邊部好,請比意見


回答 (3)

2011-03-13 9:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
1) Galaxy tab is bigger than Iphone 4, the size (appearance) and the memory spaces (as you can input external memory card).
2) Yes, you can, like whatsapp and Angry Bird, etc. *I am using Galaxy too :).*
3) I think Iphone is more popular and more easy to handle it, though Galaxy is quite good too, but it is difficult to bring it out (people is starring it -.-)
Reason to consider Galaxy Tab: Much larger screen, much newer bluetooth support.
Reason to consider Iphone4: Much smaller, much lighter, integrated compass, much higher PPI screen, much higher resolution video and camera, many more apps available and lastly, it is thinner! :D
Hope this can help you! :)
參考: Myself :)
2011-03-14 8:51 pm
2011-03-14 6:19 pm
1) 我想問Galaxy tab 是否跟i-phone 4差不多呢
size爭好遠,同埋ip4行ios,g tab 行android,兩樣野來。
2) i-phone app 是否可用於Galaxy
不可以直接用,要等人出左android版本才可以用,一般都系出完ios版本一段時間後先有android版,有D app淨系得ios版。
3) 唔知出邊部好,請比意見
ip4,除了顯示外,樣樣野都好過gtab,同埋我覺得拿個g tab講電話好異相

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