Why can it instead ??

2011-03-13 6:34 am

We were too excited to sit still = We were so excited that we could not sit still
解釋 : 我們興奮得再也坐不住了...

看第一句 : ( We were too excited to sit still 只是說好興奮仍然坐著 )..跟本沒可能等於第二句,,,
而第二句..We were so excited that we could not sit still 同解釋非常貼切..

回答 (5)

2011-03-13 1:11 pm
✔ 最佳答案

其實 "too ...... to ...... " 這個英文用法,是 inversion; 將一件事放在 "to" 後面,另將一個形容詞放在 "too" 後面 ,去解釋相反於第一件事的效果。

例如: we are too [excited] to [sit still]: [sit still 安坐] 是一件事,[excited 興奮] 是形容詞。 整句= 我們不能安坐,因為我們太過興奮。

We were too excited to sit still 我們興奮到不能安坐。
= We could not sit still because we were too excited 由於我們太興奮,所以不能安坐。
= We were so excited that we could not sit still 我們興奮到不能安坐。

It sounds too good to be true = It is not true becasue it sounds too good.= It sounds so good that it can not be true.

She is too young to drink = She should not drink because she is too young = She is so young that she should not drink.
參考: My past learning
2011-03-13 8:17 pm
你試想 We were too full to eat more.= 我們太飽難以再多吃。
那麽 We were too excited to sit still.= 我們太興奮難以安坐。
2011-03-13 5:08 pm
2011-03-13 10:12 am
2011-03-13 7:16 am
We were too excited to sit still. ~ 我們過分興奮至難以安坐的地步/ (心情超越能只是坐着。)

We were so excited that we could not sit still. (Relative Clause)~ 我們十分興奮。我們無法安坐。

第一句 :這是英文的句法,難以中文解釋,多看點有這些句式的文章,讀多幾篇則能撐握其意思及用法!
參考: me

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