Moving on with cappy man!!!?

2011-03-11 10:20 am
Okay so here's the deal with the cappy guy in my life.. He's a great guy, he loves.. Loves my son. He would do
anything for me and Im seeing it now but I feel like he's not right for m3, but he won't let go.. I don't want to hurt him but I'm still kind of in love with my sons father although we may never get back togther but I just don't want to hurt him and I don't want to loose him at the same time.

I thought they said it's usaully the cappy who has the upper hand! Not in this case he like my lost puppy( please don't take that the wrong way)..

FYI I have Scorpio in my moon
and he as Aries in his!!!

回答 (5)

2011-03-11 10:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Everybody is kinda weak and sensitive when it comes to love.
I think that the best thing u can do is to sit down and try to talk to him. I know it's always hard to break up with someone face to face .. It is always easier to just hide or to do it via sms, e-mail, etc .... but if he's that much into u, the best way will be to do it face to face.
Try to explain him that u put ur son first, and u want to him a chance to be with his father. Tell him that u respect him and his behavior toward u and your child, but right now u r not ready to commit to someone, as u have someone.
Just try to emphasize that u like him and care about his feelings, but at the same time u r not a 16 years old teenage girl, and u have to try to keep your family together. That will make it easier for u, because u will not feel that much of a personal guild ... and also it will be easier for him to understand your reasoning.
Good Luck
參考: Leo Lady
2011-03-11 4:43 pm
Don't be selfish. It's already bad enough that you have a child by another man and you're requesting this Capricorn man's time, feelings, and who knows what else. While at the same time, introducing your child to a man that may not be in his life knowing that he could get attached. And you know that you're still in love with someone else!!? Wow you should win the "most selfish mother/woman who gets knocked up and makes things difficult for everyone else" award!!!
2011-03-11 8:19 pm
I guarantee you he cares more about the baby then about you. Cappys have a soft for kids, that what makes them so paternal. If you tell him you're not interested, he'll just leave you alone without a fuss. Because he has too much ego to stay in a place where hes not wanted.
2011-03-11 11:44 am
2011-03-11 10:27 am
If yu feel like that in your heart then why lead him on to something yu dont want anymore just cut it off its okay to be friends if he cant understand then he doesnt need to be your friend either...

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