Virgo man Pisces woman?

2011-03-11 10:03 am
Son's father who is now my ex after 6 years. I recently broke it off with him because of issues with us not seeing eye to eye. Its been almost a year since the break up.. I was wondering does he still love me enough to take his pride and make things right and get his family back? We havnt had a good conversations since the break up, but he told me yesturday, there will be a laptop in the mail for me for my bday!!! I'm very thankful but I'm so confused!!!

回答 (2)

2011-03-11 10:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
Virgo man tend to hold on for people they've once loved. Still u both have a child, so the mature thing u have to do here is to sit and talk with him. Maybe discuss the issues between u and find some way out.
He obviously cares for u, but u have to find out in what way ... he may respects you as the mother of his son , or as a woman.
參考: Leo Lady
2011-03-11 10:07 am
I feel like giving you honest change. If you haven't made good conversation then I wouldn't rush into a relationship with him. "only fools rush in." Also, don't let him buy you back with gifts, because honestly he might just want your body or just to have you. What you want to look for in him is this: Can you both grow together. The key to a succesfull relationship is the man and woman striving to personally grow towards a certain ideal, and that ideal has to be the same for both people. For example, if two Christians go out together, they can grow together to be more like Christ. However, if a Christian dates a Muslim, then they are growing apart because one is trying to be like Mohammed while the other ist rying to be like Christ. (Not saying that you are religious, but it is just an example) So the fact that you don't see eye to eye makes me feel uneasy. You should definitely be on the same page and heading in the same direction if you want a relationship that will not only survive, but thrive.

收錄日期: 2021-04-11 18:37:24
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