
2011-03-12 6:19 am
Dear Susan
I am lily from Gadsde , We want to place an order with you for the fabric no. CK76 & CK54, Please provide the information to us as follow:

1. MOQ of the goods
2. upcharge based on existing bulk units

Furthermore, Is there any options can avoid upcharge based on existing bulk units? Also,please check if there is any greige fabric you might have.

回答 (4)

2011-03-12 10:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Dear Susan
This is Lily from Gadsde We would like to place an order with you for the fabric no. CK76 & CK54. Please provide the following information to us:
1. MOQ of the goods
2. upcharge based on existing bulk units

I would like to see if there are any other options available to avoid upcharge based on existing bulk units. Please also check your inventories to find out if you carry any greige fabric currently. Thank you for your attention in the above matters in advance. Yours Truly,XXX
2011-03-13 5:50 am
If Susan knows you already, there is no need for you to say "I am Lily." And if she does not know you, it is impolite to address her by her first name only, and to not give your last name.

Dear Ms (Susan's last name),

My name is Lily (your last name) and I work for Gadsde. We are interested in placing an order of (quantity, e.g. 100m each -- you can state this up front so that it will be easier for Susan to reply to you and to give you a quote) of fabric number CK76 an CK54. Please inform us of your minimum order quantity, upcharge (surcharge?), and bulk rates (I am not sure if this is what you mean).

In addition, we would also like to know whether you carry any greige fabric.

Lily (your last name)
2011-03-12 9:03 am
Dear Susan,I am Lily from Gadsde (what is this word??). We want to place an order for the fabric no of CK76 & CK54 with you. Please provide the following information to us as follow:

1. MOQ of the goods
2. Uncharged (Just guessing, which word do you want to write: uncharged OR up charge? Different meanings at all) based on the existing bulk units (Seems there is problem in this sentence, awkward)

Furthermore, Is there any alternatives that can [avoid uncharged based on existing bulk units?] (No doubt, I do not understand the meaning of this sentence) Also, please check if there is any greige (What is this word?? Do you spell it incorrectly?) fabric you might have.

I have tried my best helping to correct your article. However, there are some awkward sentences in the content which you are the one who should know the most. Therefore, please double check your writing and express what you want to say by simple structure form of sentence.
參考: My own English language skills
2011-03-12 8:58 am

Is there any option係are there any option

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