
2011-03-12 5:01 am
為甚麼我從公雞身上取下肋骨無法製造母雞?? 是不是當中有甚麼法術或咒語??

回答 (8)

2011-03-21 10:03 pm
你可以請教哈理波凸, 因為佢係唯一成功過既人類.
參考: 哈理波凸
2011-03-21 8:11 pm
真是可惜, 我唔想變成神先造, 如果唔係E 條問題都冇意義LA, 係咪先~

我地都記得你係 係天堂先施到法


2011-03-13 4:28 pm
真是可惜, 我唔想變成神先造, 如果唔係E 條問題都冇意義LA, 係咪先~

2011-03-24 12:05:35 補充:
很抱歉, 我唔需要跳樓, 更唔住係天堂/天上, 但我同時唔係人類, 我有好多下面的朋友, 未來必親臨閣下府上拜訪以表達敬意~^^

2011-03-13 2:43 am
This is because you do not have the wisdom of God. God has a complete understanding of the human body. He knows how to construct the mechanisms which bring us life. He knows how, from dust and a rib bone, to build cells to form tissues, organs and systems to form a person, wheareas how to form a hen is knowledge you do not possess.

God has a special purpose for creating all living things, which includes the showing of love to us humans. As only God is almighty, only he is able to create living things in a way that gives ultimate fulfilment of that purpose, as well as harmonising all other aspects of that purpose. While God invites us to search into the wonders of the making of the human body and hens and all other living things, He has not given us the right of creating living things as we are incapable of taking into account all the aspects of that purpose and because we cannot be entrusted morally of not abusing that right if it is given to us.
2011-03-13 12:56 am
2011-03-12 4:41 pm
2011-03-12 6:34 am
2011-03-12 5:20 am
it is not real

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