Alarming as it may seem

2011-03-12 12:16 am
Alarming as it may seem, this prospect of water shortage should
prompt Hong Kong into devising alternative strategies.

What is the meaning of "Alarming as it may seem"?
And how to use it? Can you give me some more examples to illustrate?

Thank you so much!

回答 (2)

2011-03-12 2:18 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hey there, sorry to point out that the other post is wrong. 'Alarming as it may seem' actually has a different meaning!!!

{Adjective + as + Noun +Verb} is actually an INVERSION sentence pattern. People generally use the word 'though' to replace 'as' too.

So, 'alarming as it may seem' = 'alarming THOUGH it may seem' = 'THOUGH it may seem alarming'

Original sentence:
Though he looks attractive, he is gay.
You may also say:
1. Attractive though he looks, he is gay.
2. Attractive as he looks, he is gay.

ALL 3 SENTENCES CARRY THE SAME MEANING. In grammatical sense this is inversion.
2011-03-12 1:46 am
Alarming as it may seem = 看起來令人擔憂

Alarming as it may seem 等於 It may seem alarming


Alarming as it may seem, the world's oil supplies are dwindling rapidly.
參考: 英文 teacher

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