
2011-03-11 9:50 pm

回答 (2)

2011-03-13 10:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
四大每年9-10月就會開始聘請本地大學畢業生. 申請者要先係big4網頁填申請表, 填完就等消息. 每間big4都會有三輪面試,外乎係Aptitude Test/Personality Test-->Manager Interview/Group Assessment-->Partner Interview.

Aptitude test(PwC, EY同KPMG都係做Aptitude test)主要係numerical test及English reasoning test. 參考資料有一些題目的sample. Personality Test就係比好多scenario你, 會問你如何處理不同問題.

Aptitude test或Personality Test後會揀一部分申請者去Manager Interview/Group Assessment. 先做自我介紹, 然後面試會比你一個business case, 你要同討論返佢raise的問題. 德勤係可以用中文討論, 但討論前要先達成共識去用乜語言討論. 討論完後要做一個Presentation, 一定要用英文講. 之後manager會問申請者一部分問題, 全部同個case有關.

同樣Manager Interview/Group Assessment會揀一部分人去partner interview, 係你用partner一對一面試. 因為kpmg係Aptitude Test已經篩走好多人, 所以到partner interview會有幾大機會有offer. PwC同EY就一半一半, 德勤因為會揀幾多人去Partner in, 所以競爭會較大. 有可能會用中文問你.
2011-03-11 10:47 pm
You can take an initial step by writing to them a job application letter. If they are in need of staff in these post and see you are a suitable candidate, they will contact me for an interview. And, the interview is normally carry out in English as most of their clients are using English for communication and in the accounts as well.

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