how can i study the english regents?

2011-03-11 2:35 am
i want to know how can i study english regents? especially the essay.
can i have some website to teach me how to prepare for the essay?
and what are critical lens , literary elements , etc? are those things gonna appear on the regents?

回答 (1)

2011-03-12 7:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
u gotta take some practice english regents. there's a sampler of the new one: here's the link:

yea they are. you're gonna have to write an essay about a critical lens they give you using certain literatures as examples. so i suggest you have some books u want to use as examples in mind. for lit elements, you're gonna have to analyze them in short responses.
參考: i took it before in jan 2011

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