Ex b/f buying me a gift for my bday?

2011-03-10 9:41 am
Okay so my sons father and I of 6 Years recently broke it off. I left him due to issues we where having. It's been a year since I left and it has been hard. When I thought he may have wanted me back he made it very clear he doesn't. So my birthday is coming up and he ask if I needed or wanted a laptop and if yes he was buying me one for my bday. I don't get it it's kinda of mix signal.

FYI- since I left him I go to drop off my son, and all my things I left are in the same spot I left them. Our pictures we taking together etc. So why does he act so mean with me if he knew I left for all the right reasons?!

回答 (3)

2011-03-10 10:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
forget the past! Take him back.he is the boys father! And your son needs him.and you need him too. So go for it!
參考: experience
2011-03-10 9:45 am
Say you'll appreciate a new laptop for your birthday. Don't worry about the other issues.
2011-03-10 9:43 am
sounds like he's just insensitive. Or maybe he feels sorry for you - so he's trying to cheer you up a little :)

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