電腦fuse problem問題

部電腦開唔到 開左個 插頭cc 見到無左fuse. 我個火牛寫住 V- input voltage current frequency 230 v- 6a 60hz-50hz V output +3.3v +5v +2v -12v +5VSB -5V Ps-on pok com 7a max 11a max 6aa max 0.5a max 2a max remote P.G. return Max Max 200w 要用咩 a o既 fuse?

回答 (3)

2011-03-11 5:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
你之火牛之輸入電流為230v, 6a;但基於總輸出為200w,而w=v * a,即a= w / v,所以a=200/220 =0.9 a,即約為1 a。原則上火牛之輸入 / 輸出無可能相差那麼大,所以我們應只考慮輸出功率祇有1 a,你買3a, 220 v fuse應已足夠。
2011-03-11 6:29 am
Agree with 001's answer, 220V 3A is safe enough for your PSU !

There is one more thing to be mention - if you are talking about the fuse inside the plug (插頭) of power cable, then a normal 13A BS fuse will suit your case...
2011-03-11 6:19 am

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