punctuation 句子

2011-03-11 2:25 am
my friend pam likes reading
My friend, Pam , likes reading .

1) sue and her friend ann like playng games
Sue and her friend , Ann , like playing games. (對不對呢?)

2) joyce likes making model with her friend
Her Friend , Joyce , like making model.(對不對呢?)

3) what do you like doing

4) i get up at six oclock in the morning
In the morning , I , get up at six O'clock (對不對呢?)

5) she dosent like playing chess

回答 (4)

2011-03-11 5:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
punctuation 句子
1) sue and her friend ann like playng games
Sue and her friend , Ann , like playing games. (good

2) joyce likes making model with her friend
Her Friend , Joyce , like making model.(good

3) what do you like doing
What do you like doing......?

4) i get up at six oclock in the morning
I get up at six o'clock in the morning

5) she doesnt like playing chess
She doesn't like playing chess. (doesn't = short form of does not)
2011-03-11 6:53 pm
sin****** 對不起, 昨天怱忙間看了你的E.G., 以為是只可用逗號 (,) 加上句子。現在細看原來是加Punctuation, 包括Full Stop (.), Comma (,), Semicolon (;),
Colon (:) Note of Interogation(即Question Mark)(?), Note of Exclamation
(即 Exclamation Mark) (!) 現在重答一次:

2011-03-11 11:07:23 補充:
你的E.G.句子 My Friend Pam likes reading. 對
但My friend, Pam, likes reading. 錯;應寫作 Pam, my friend, likes reading.
1) Sue and her friend Ann like playing games. 句子對, 只需在句末加(.)
2) Joyce likes making model with her friend. 句子對, 亦只需在句末加(.)
3)What do you like doing ? 只需在句末加(?)

2011-03-11 11:10:12 補充:
4) I get up at six o'clock in the morning. 句子對, 只需在句末加 (.)
5) She doesn't like playing chess. 句子對, 只需在句末加(.)
2011-03-11 4:45 pm
2011-03-11 2:28 am
3:What do you like doing?
4:In the morning , I get up at six o'clock.
5:She does'nt like playing chess.

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