
2011-03-11 1:16 am



回答 (3)

2011-03-11 9:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
He shot himself/I shot myself 肯定係錯!
I shot myself / He shot himself = 用槍(和其他武器) 自轟
影相的正確寫法是 = I took a photo shot of myself. (過去式)
I take a photo shot of myself (現在式)
自拍也可以寫成 = I took a self portrait. ( 過去式)
I take a self portrait. (現在式)

2011-03-11 01:35:20 補充:
I hit myself 也不對﹐意思是我打自己。
參考: My knowledge
2011-03-11 6:17 am
該自拍英文係咩??? = I hit myself.

Your question is not too clear but I will try to translate it direct from what you say

係自己拍攝..自己 = I take the photo of myself

I hope that I have guessed your question correctly. If not, please let us have your question again clearly.

2011-03-11 3:33 am
He took his own photo.
參考: me

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