consider as

2011-03-10 7:09 pm
consider 幾時先要加 as
點解'It is considered cancerous' 就唔洗加?
consider as 係verb,adj,noun?
give more example to explain

回答 (3)

2011-03-10 10:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Common definitions of 'consider':
1. think, believe or suppose
2. regard as or deem to be

What you should notice is you are asking how to use the word when it means 2.regard as or deem to be.

So how do you use it in this sense?

1. Passive voice- something is 'considered as' NOUN or something is 'considered' ADJ or something is 'considered as' VERB.

e.g. The poem is considered as a masterpiece. (noun)
The poem is considered beautiful. (adj)
The poem is considered as beautifully written. (verb)

2. Active voice- sb. considers sth. as NOUN. or sb. considers sth. ADJ. or sb. considers sth. as VERB

e.g. People consider the poem as a masterpiece. (noun)
People consider the poem beautiful. (adj)
People consider the poem as beautifully written. (verb)
2011-03-11 4:50 pm
2011-03-10 10:53 pm

consider 係 verb
用法A. ‘consider’ + ‘as’ (as可以省略)+ noun...(as: [prep] 如同 ) 用法B. ‘consider’ + adjective

用法C.‘consider’ + ‘as’ + adjective + ‘as’ + noun ...( [片語]像... 一樣)

e.g. .[用法A]
1.They considered him as a fool.=They considered him a fool.
= He was considered as a fool.
= He was considered a fool.

2.They considered him as a foolish guy.=They considered him a foolish guy.
= He was considered as a foolish guy.
= He was considered a foolish guy.

3.He considered silver as a valuable metal.=He considered silver a valuable metal.
=Silver was considered as a valuable metal. =Silver was considered a valuable metal.

1.They considered him foolish.
= He was considered foolish.

2.They considered silver valuable
=Silver was a metal that they considered valuable.
= Silver was considered valuable.

1.They considered him as foolish as a calf.2.Silver was considered as valuable as gold.

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