
2011-03-09 10:31 pm

我今年30歳單身, 我係HK PASTPORT.
於是決定今年3月15日將會以visitor身份飛去加拿大Montreal讀5個半月的英文課程, 而且我已收到校方的入學通知信!
我預是9萬港元, 我交出現金/ 本票/旅行支票/支票/存款票/銀行存款證明信..哪樣好D?
我應向公司著情爲我批發的工作證明信嗎? 或長達5個半月的申假信是否太離普?
如果佢問點解要咁快又來加拿大? 我該點答??
但愿你地能俾d意見我, 無論有d咩唔樂觀既野可以照直講,我不會介意.

回答 (4)

2011-03-13 10:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
Assuming "HK Passport" means HKSAR passport, you are correct you do not need a study permit for a course less than 6 months in length. However, you are recommended to apply for one according to the Citizenship and Immigration Canada. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-who.asp

In accordance to the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, you are obliged to answer all questions truthfully. Failure to do may result in jail time and fines.

1. You should show your letter of admission and explain to the officer you are in Canada to study English for the next 5 months.
2. You are permitted but must declare to the officer if you are carrying more than $10,000 CDN in negotiable instruments (i.e. cash, cheque, money order, etc) under the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act or you will risk seizure and fines. If you wish to get a bank draft, it's better to have it in CDN for faster processing.

3. It's best to obtain a letter just prior to your departure but there are no specific rules to its validity.4. You are taking an extended leave of absence from your job to study English. 5 months isn't too long as a year to two is quite common in Canada as well.

5. CIC's officers are also posted to the Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong... if they deem it necessary, they will verify with your employer.

6. Provided you have a reasonable explanation, I don't see it to be an issue.

The Canada Border Services Agency has published a guide for visitors, available here: http://www.cbsa-asfc.gc.ca/publications/pub/bsf5082-eng.html

If you encounter any difficulty in answering questions in English, you can ask for translation services.
2011-03-19 10:07 am
閣下之憂慮完全可以理解, 可能閣下上次坐AC-008, 經溫哥華轉机, 由於溫哥華太多華人出入, 而且多次被他們發現作弊, 故此溫哥華机身場之移民局和海關人員對入境華人都十分嚴謹. 我每年去加拿大處理公務(多倫多)都超十次, 每次坐AC008都被查到發火; 故相信閣下更甚. 故如非絕對必要我是永不經溫哥華轉机.

閣下如由多倫多轉机到Montreal坐HKG-->YYZ, Toronto(AC-16)--->YUL, Montreal (AC426, 428..........)
在多倫多清關便沒有你想像中之煩惱了. (不用誤信某些網友說肯定要在溫哥華清關----吹牛!!!).

過關時照實填報, 記住,如非必要,不要隨身帶超加幣壹萬元現金, 免自找麻煩, 要帶就寫銀行本票. 同時要留意加拿大之銀行祗接受香港大銀行之加幣本票(匯記銀行, 恆記銀行) (如港幣本票較吃虧, 甚至拒收)其他銀行多不收(防假), 即使收,也許收超高手續費和托收時間很長, 且經常要食死貓(指空头或假); 這種情況在Montreal 更甚.

其他也不會問太多, (除非閣下是單身女性); 故不要太擔心, 努力讀書吧.........

2011-03-11 9:51 am
1. Never lie, tell the truth. So tell them you are here for studying (if they need, they will ask you to show the offer letter). And tell them you are not required a visa because of the course length.

2. It is up to you.

3. Well, you are in Canada at that moment. I will prefer to show something more solid.

4. It does not matter - Remember the document and letter from the school is pretty much self-explanatory.

5. You have proof this time. I will not worry about it for now.

If you don't want to be into secondary screening, make sure you don't use HKSAR Passport.
2011-03-09 10:36 pm


我自己都去開, 希望可以幫到你~ ^T^

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