✔ 最佳答案
5) 人地話好似唔可以用自己鍾意嘅歌做電話鈴聲, 如果我自己有隻cut左嘅歌, 有無辦法可以用到嚟做電話鈴聲呢? Ans: There is an apps to make ringtone, no need to make it in itunes.
(6) 攞iphone嗰時有D咩要注意?
Ans: Don't join any other plans. Don't take any free services for 2 months only. You will forget to stop the services. (7) 單數台嘅接收係咪好差? 有D人話成日斷線, 有D人又話OK, 真係唔知聽邊個講好
Ans. I am using it and the data plan access is really really slow... Don't use it. (8) 其實出16GB夠用嗎? 大概可以入到幾多嘢? (如:apps, 歌, 相...)Asn. I prefer 32GB
(9) 係咪每日都要做backup? 點做?
Ans No. (11) 其實HTC好用定iphone好用?
Ans. My colleague use HTC, I don't really like it cos' if you really want to try iphone, it is really not the same.
(12) 另外, HTC提到嘅Android係D咩嚟? 同iphone有咩分別? 邊個好D?
Android is the OS. You may forget it.
All of the above are my experience only.