
2011-03-09 2:40 am
1. 只要事前策劃好,就可以成功達成目標。2. 預先計劃穩當而後再行動,並要付諸實行。3. 為人要大方能包容他人;處事要謙虛而有禮貌。4. 對人要守信用,並要懂得尊重別人。5. 工作處事要公私分明,並達到良好的成果。6. X顧名思義是要照明與環保並存。本意是鼓勵環保同時,提供一個大眾化的價錢的照明產品。

回答 (2)

2011-03-09 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 只要事前策劃好,就可以成功達成目標。
Well preparation is key to success.

2. 預先計劃穩當而後再行動,並要付諸實行。
Plan well before putting it into action.

3. 為人要大方能包容他人;處事要謙虛而有禮貌。
Be kind & generous to others; work humbly and politely.

4. 對人要守信用,並要懂得尊重別人。
Keep our promise and pay respect to others.

5. 工作處事要公私分明,並達到良好的成果。
Be fair in all aspect to achieve better result
6. X顧名思義是要照明與環保並存。本意是鼓勵環保同時,提供一個大眾化的價錢的照明產品。
Lighting and protection of environment must be balanced. The main idea is to encourage environment protection and provide a reasonable priced lighting product.

2011-03-09 2:56 am
1. If you plan before you action , your wish will come true.

2.Think a plan carefully before you action,you mustn't give up.

3.We must be generous to comprehensive others ; we must be humility and polite.

4.We must be faithful and have to learn how to valued the others.

我只能幫你幫到第四題,剩下的要靠你自己了! Sor. T_T
參考: 自己

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