
2011-03-08 2:21 pm

antivirus: Avast Free Antivirus 6.0

antispyware: AdAware Internet Security + Windows Defender + SpywareBlaster

Firewall: COMODO + Windows Firewall

網上防護: WOW + McAfee SiteAdvisor

1. 請問以上軟件有冇不相容?

2. 這個防毒組合防毒功能如何?

3. 有冇其他更好既軟件可以代替以上任可軟件 (要免費)

4. 聽講360殺毒好好 比起avast 怎樣



回答 (1)

2011-03-23 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案

My comment as follows:

Once they are installed and can run together smoothly, that means they do not crash each other. The most important thing is do not install each type more than once.

Your anti-virus AVAST is a very good one which is free of charge. I like it even more than NOD32 sincerely. If you need an alternative later on, AVG is a good choice which does not consume much RAM.

Your Anti-spyware has different functions and I believe they can co-exist. But I found Windows Defenders increasingly annoying for weekly download and also, its function seems little as its rate of detection is not high. If you want to save some spaces, you can remove it.

Personally, I do not find any problem of your package. I have just talked with the technician of my school, and he also agreed with me.

Don't worry. Keep on using this package. I am sure the protection is good enough!

Hope I can help you.

參考: Mathematics Teacher Mr. Ip

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