
2011-03-07 10:49 pm
你好, 不知道有沒有收到之前提供給你們的報價? 期待你進一步的消息! 謝謝!

回答 (4)

2011-03-08 2:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
How are you doing? I wonder if you have received the quotation that we provided you previously. We are sincerely waiting for your further responses. Thank you.
2011-03-09 5:36 am
你好, 不知道有沒有收到之前提供給你們的報價? 期待你進一步的消息! 謝謝!

英文:Hello, do not know you have not received the offer before theoffer? look forward to your further information! Thank you!

參考: me+google
2011-03-08 12:55 am
Hello, do not know you have not received the offer before the offer? look forward to your further information! Thank you!
2011-03-07 10:55 pm
Date: xxxxx

TO: xxxx

Attn: xxxxx

Dear xxxx,

We trust that you have received our quotation and look forward to hearing from you again shortly.

Best regards,

你好, 不知道有沒有收到之前提供給你們的報價? 期待你進一步的消息! 謝謝!

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