Chinese to English(urgent)

2011-03-07 9:49 pm



因上月我司發出之月結單不對, 請把多扣之款項退回我司.

回答 (8)

2011-03-12 6:17 am
In the last *****ing month my mother-*****ing damned company had issued a *****ingly wrong statement to you, so please refund the mother-*****ing extra money back to me otherwise I'll burn your house and cut your *****ing head off! I swear!
2011-03-12 12:49 am
Because I took charge of last month issue the monthly statement not to be right, please return fund of the multi-buckle I to take charge of
2011-03-09 8:02 pm
Thank you very mych for all help!
2011-03-09 5:44 am
因上月我司發出之月結單不對, 請把多扣之款項退回我司.

Division I because of last month issued statements wrong,please, subtract the amount refunded my Division.
參考: me+gogle
2011-03-09 1:52 am
I think it may help

Due to an error made in the statement issued last month, I would request on behalf of my company for the refund of the excess.

Remark : the context might need some tuning to make it more comprehensive.
2011-03-08 2:24 am
Owing to the discrepancy in previous month's statement, please reimburse the incorrectly deducted amount back to my Division.
參考: bilingual
2011-03-08 12:56 am
Division I because of last month issued statements wrong, please, subtract the amount refunded my Division.
2011-03-07 10:57 pm

To; xxxxx

Attn: xxxx

Dear xxxx,

Owing to the error in our last statement, please kindly return the extra fud deducted to us ASAP.

Thanks and best regards,


因上月我司發出之月結單不對, 請把多扣之款項退回我司.

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